Sunday, December 5, 2010

#21 Food Matters Alot

In the past month I have been going to the gym almost every day which is a good thing and I really do enjoy it. I have worked out in the past and at one time I worked out daily for a little over a year straight.
However this time is a bit different. I am seeing more results and more benefits from what I am doing. Realistically this should not be, I am 10 years older now and a lot worse shape. So what is different? The past week or so I have really tried to figure out why and to see if I can continue and keep going the way that I am without hitting that usual brick wall and plateau. The biggest thing I can come up with is my diet, What I am eating. 

Ok I am not one of those guys that likes to promote anything and like many am very annoyed at people who seem to push things left and right. However I do like to be able to find good factual information when I look for it with out wadding through a bunch of self promoting trash.

 I feel the need to talk about how important the food that we eat is.  I really did not know how poor food choices were really detrimental to me. I started my weight lose this time with a more complete out look and have really focused on the foods that I eat. We have all heard you are what you eat, What I am finally realizing is how true and how much what we eat effects us in almost every way. From energy to feeling satisfied and not hungry.
Not wanting to sound like one of those spazzes that goes on and on about Organic this and only eat these foods, I really wish I would have tried and tested it for my self years ago.
I know you are supposed to eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day what I did not realize is how much easier and better tasting some of the Organic foods are compared to the normal and some "natural" options.
I do not know if my tastes have changed because I have cut so many bad foods out or if there really is that big of a difference. Most of the Organic food I eat tastes how I remember foods tasting when I was a  child. But now I really do desire Organic foods. I used to never eat many fruits and vegetables even though I liked them and even some times desired them but when I would eat them they were not satisfying. Now that we have tried to switch all our foods to Organic and GMO free (genetically modified organism) I really like to eat more of those foods every day not just once in a while. I now have a hard time not eating a whole bunch of bananas or a dozen apples, even foods I have not eaten sense I was a kid like pairs, tomatoes, raisins, I can not seem to get enough of them, Vegetables are the same way I now want spinach cauliflower, salads, and broccoli  every day. 
All of this is really good but there are a few downsides to trying to eat just Organic.
The first is budget. I know there are alot of people out there that say Organic is not more expensive but I have not found that. In fact most things are any where from 1/3 to 1 1/2 more expensive. If you are like us we have a very hard time budgeting in a grocery bill costing twice as much as it used to.
The next downside is availability. Living in the midwest one would think that Good wholesome Organic food would be easy to find, In reality it is not. We have to drive 20 miles one way to get to a store that sells some organic foods, Our local Farway just does not have much if any Organic and GMO free foods.
So can food choice really be effecting how I feel, sleep, and the energy I have every day now. I really think it is. I would like to know if anyone else has had similar results or be willing to try eating better for a few weeks and let me know if you have similar results.
I have found some really great resources that I will link at the bottom of my blog as well.
The first is The Cornucopia Institute Which is a great guide and resource for Organic brands good and bad. They have some good score cards as well as other information that I find useful.
The Next is a great resource for GMO Free Non-GMO Shopping Guide They have Shopping guides as the name suggests as well as other information and resources that are very useful. I suggest taking the time to read some of their information on GMO's Is a interesting to read.
There are a few more and I will add them to the bottom of blog so they are easy resources for me to find again as well as you.
Thanks and I hope to hear your opinions on this.

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