Well as most of you know I got a Gruve a little over a week ago and do to several emails and request I will give some updated feed back on it.
As some of you have concerns with people having difficulties I have some thoughts on this as well.
Set up was very easy getting it to run smoothly on updating and reading from my computer not so much.
I have Macs so this my be only for Mac users. I found to get things to work smoothly you need to
One, make sure you have silver light plugin (a stupid microsoft flash thing that is junk!!!!) and if you are using more then one Gruve (husband and wife's) it is wise to use two different browsers. Like the husband only uses Firefox for all of his anytime health web usage and the wife only use safari or Chrome.
Things seem to get confused with multiple accounts and users.
As far as tracking goes well it does work effortlessly. However I do not like how it is suggested to move the location in which you carry the gruve depending on the exorcise. For example it is suggested you put the gruve on your sock if you are doing any bicycling, on you wast for walking and even as far as on your arm for upper body workouts such as bench press.
I do not know about you but that is just to much work for me!!! So I just through it in my pocket and let it be.
So summery of week one. They could have chosen better software and plugins for a more stable and user friendly experience.
Two if you want me moving this thing around to be more effective then make it easier. Sell a wrist and ankle bands that it works well with instead of having to fight with the belt clip thing.
It does have value so do not get me wrong it is a nice reminder and helps you stay active. I just do not know what kind of monetary value I would put on it yet.
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