You can not out exercise what you put in the pie whole. It just does not work, so portion control is necessary. More on that later for now I am rambling about exercise.
The hardest thing about exercise is getting started and staying with it.
As some one who is obese these are mountains and big-ins at that. If you look around and ask, everyone will have their own opinion on what you need to do. That is great and all but lets be real getting exercise advice is like getting a root canal. You know you need it but you sure as heck do not want it. So how does one get started? Well the first and largest advice I have is find something you like or even love.

Every one will freely tell you what they think is the best and think you should as well. That really does not help get me motivated so I doubt it will you. However if you find something you like then dive right at it. Do not worry about when exercise guru X says that is not the way, you need to do more --------- what ever they are spewing your way. I tell you this that doing something you like and can enjoy will give you alot more reward then doing what guru x suggests hating it and quitting all together in a month or less. So if you love to run then run, Box then box, weight lifting the lift some weights already. Moving is the key and start there.
Now do not get me wrong some things will work better than others but as some one who is obese that is not the point right now, right now we just have to move and keep moving. I do suggest to keep an open mind for when guru x suggests something it may be great and you may love the results enough to do something you do not like, But never stop exercising the way you like, always try and keep a passion.
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