So is it possible to be over weight and malnourished? The more I look into it the more information says yes. In fact it may be that most people who fight with weight loss are malnourished in one way or another.
One of the things that got me started in this direction is over the past year my Dr. noticed in a routine blood test that my vitamin D was the lowest he ever seen. Over the next few months of slowly increasing my vitamin D it took 5000 I.U. a day to get my vitamin D to a normal level. that is more them 5X the maximum suggested daily amount.
So what if I am this deficient in all areas?
Where do I start?
Step One. Honey. HONEY you may ask why honey.
Let me explain, honey contains protein, vitamins, (B6, Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid, and certain Amino acids), Minerals (Calcium, copper, Iron, Magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc) and antioxidants but no cholesterol.
Honey also absorbs into the bloodstream very easily, giving you a quick energy boost. It also has a certain potassium salts that make it a phenomenal moisture absorber and a great killer of germs and bacteria. This also helps it draw excess fluid from the blood, lowering blood pressure.
Honey has also been used for weight loss.
So honey seemed a very reasonable place to start. There are a lot of great resources on honey I suggest you check in to them.
So I take a Table spoon in the morning after I have about 20 Oz of my first 40+ OZ of water and a table spoon about an hour before I go to bed and a tea spoon for some hunger pains through the day with a glass of water.
Step Two. Vitamins and supplements.
I have done a lot of reading and to tell you the truth so many things sound like they would be good or even needed. Lets be real if I tried to buy every vitamin and supplement I would be spending hundreds of dollars a month. I do not have that kind of money, so I am starting with what I can afford and going from there.
1: One a Day for men I take two of these in the morning after I have a table spoon of honey and 20+ OZ of water.
2: vitamin D 2000 I.U. in the morning (down from 5000 I.U. sense others contain vitamin D)
3: vitamin C 1000 mg in the morning.
4: Niacin 500 mg with first meal.
5: Triple Omega Omega 3-6-9 three a day, one with each meal or a snack.
Step Three: Food intake,
I do not have any better start on this then the average joe. Basically I am trying to cut out all processed food, eat most proteins in the morning. Veggies Greener better for you rawer better but not always taste wise.
As I go I will be adjusting all the above according to my Dr., health, and how we track my blood tests and results.
Results for week 2
The thing I am most excited about is ENERGY!!! I do not know what to relate it to but I feel amped all day. I mean I do not even need a cup of coffee and I love my coffee.
I wake up alert and ready to go.
I also lost 11 pounds which I thought was pretty good. That makes 20 in two week I am very happy about that. I will not weigh again for 4 weeks but I hope I can stay in this direction.
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